I didn’t want to cry today.

On days like this it feels like he never loved me

That there was never anything really there

Like it was something fake, unreal


Why did I let my emotions guide me

Never again will I love with such ignorance

Hurting myself

Yesterday she met his family

Barely a few weeks into their relationship

She sits at the table where I used to sit

She plays the games I bought for family nights

Now I have no family

Now I sit home alone,

Staring at the wall,


Hating myself, wishing I were different

How do I learn to love myself?

Can I let go of the past?

Can I accept that he is gone?

That he has found another?

That he wasn’t the one,

The one I thought he was

How can I love myself?

When even he couldn’t love me

His kids couldn’t love me

I couldn’t accept the past

And now I feel the pain

And the anger

The sadness

He posted the picture

Tagging her in it.

Knowing I would see it,

Not caring about my feelings.

I couldn’t resist calling

Wanting him to know that he hurt me

What he does to me

Silence on the other end

The few things he said were cutting

Mean, vendictive

No love left in his heart

I didn’t want to cry today

I was feeling on top of the world

Why can one thing bring you down so far?

How do I let this all go?

How do you move on,

How do I learn to love myself?

New Year’s Eve

Heart ache

Part One

“What is it you want?” I ask myself.

I’ve just spent an hour of wiggling around in bed staring at a tiny phone screen, stalking my ex-boyfriend, convincing myself which of the countless girls that have ‘liked’ his photos is the ‘one.’ The ‘one’ that gave him Chlamydia; the one who has made it into his bed; the one who is the object of his attention; the one who is the disgusting whore who transferred a venereal disease to the man that I love, transferring it to me, infecting me in more ways than one.

It drives me insane to think of him with someone else, looking at these photos, trying to figure it out, I began to make myself physically ill. We have been split for six months now. Six months. But the emotions are still there, much stronger than I would have anticipated for being apart for so long. Love cannot just vanish; there is a pain that waits for you behind it.

With the coming of the New Year, I was ready for change. I watched our dogs while Xavier was away, the last week of the year. It was easier to let the pups stay with me this time; I was feeling less emotion, more numbness. The dogs were just that: my dogs. There for a good snuggle. Xavier was on the other end, but it wasn’t as strong anymore. It was more just myself in my new life carrying on a piece of him.

It was New Year’s Eve when I returned the pups; there was only a small thought in the back of my mind of kissing and holding him. Hey, it was the last day of the year, who better than to spend it with then the ex who broke your heart merely months before. I can really be brilliant at times.

He was slightly hung over, vulnerable. When he invited me to stay to breakfast, I smiled, surprised. ‘You’re going to cook for me?’ I mean I do love this guy. My chef. The guy I spent every other minute talking to since I met him three years ago. The guy who I’ve had breakfast with countless times before. Of course I would stay for breakfast.

We small talked for a while, while he left the sausage to defrost in the sink. The coffee he offered was overly bitter so he added some extra water. He knows I don’t take my coffee that strong. I’d switched almost completely to tea over the past few months, but I still drank the coffee he offered. How could I refuse anything from him? I talked and talked, nervous and jittery from the tea I had before, and the coffee, and the presence of him.

I could sense his resistance to me. It was almost like the guilt was oozing out of him, I could just tell he had been with someone else. One hell of an intuition I can have, which cab be a blessing and a curse.

I was a little rushed, unsure of myself in his presence, in the house that used to be ours. One we picked out for ourselves, together. Wondering about the women he would bring into this home, which was so long ours, now his. Being with this man I used to kiss 50 times a day, sitting across the table from me, untouchable. It was hard for me to sit still.

He didn’t really have food prepared, but it was just his wanting to spend a little more time together. Why wouldn’t he, after how used to each other our bodies had become to each other’s? I sense it every time I see him. Remebering the feel of his skin against mine, his arms around me in a deep hug, the feel of his lips on mine. The body remembers what the mind tries to forget. Irresistible desire. You don’t have it with everyone, its grown, nourished, cultivated, perfected. We didn’t always have it, but oh man, when we did! Nothing could stop us.

Regardless, all these feelings can be hard to process, and I was on a schedule. I convinced him to hit the freshly packed bowl, knowing he is rarely a daytime smoker, but hey-he was hung over and its New Year’s Eve, so what the hell?

“I have to leave soon,” I reminded him. He rushed out breakfast, doing what he could with the little momentum he had. I checked the time yet again. “I could just take a shower here,’ I said.

“Of course you can,” he replied, looking down at his plate.

“But I want you to shower with me…” I said, sad, questioning, wanting his shower of love, his arms, his kiss, everything I no longer had.

He shifted in his chair, “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“You’re probably right.” I began to load up my stuff. “I think I will just go to my parent’s to shower then.” I felt so uncomfortable and defeated. Sad that he was letting me go completely, yet satisfied that he was the one to be strong, when I could not.

“You’re leaving?” I could hear the sadness in his voice; he stood up and walked over towards me then leaned down and kissed me. It was the saddest kiss. Holding onto something we were trying so hard to let go, to move away from. Even though it felt so good, it was sad because we knew we were just pretending. There was nothing but heartache to follow.

Part Two

Since the beginning of the New Year, I’ve had been eating super healthy, I was moderate in my drinking, doing yoga every day, working diligently at home and outside. Ready to start 2015 with a new vision, putting the past behind me. I was starting to feel in total control, until I get news that this one moment of passion has put me in jeopardy, and my world goes askew. It was as if everything I had practiced was out the window.

What would it be like to have to tell the person you loved wholly every day for so long something so horrible? I try to be sympathetic. I love too hard and I give in way too easily.

It’s like something came over me and I could not control myself. How scary is that? It’s a feeling so deep in the pit of your stomach, where you don’t know whether to throw up or scream or cry. It’s amazing the power the mind has over the senses. I have been practicing to be a better person, or my idea of what it is to be better. Trying to find a way to control any emotion that comes and a way to deal with it productively.

Something in me needs to stand up and shout, “Here I am. See me!” Instead it just says, “oh hey, I am here, what do you need and I will give it to you; you are sad, I will make you happy; you are happy, I will laugh with you; you are mad, I will direct your anger to a better place; this is me and what I want to do for you.” I have a hard time saying, “This is me, and here is what I need from you. Here is what I am willing to offer, and that’s it.”

I just keep learning to bend, so I will not break.

When Xavier asked to meet, I first only thought positive thoughts. “Yay!” a little voice inside me screams. He wants to meet; I get to see the man I love today. Knowing that this is probably nothing good, I am still so hopeful, naive. Since I wasn’t able to meet, it comes through in text. Tears fill my eyes. My head begins to swim. All my hopes crash down around me as my worst fears come unleashed. “Yes, I have been with someone, I have had unprotected sex and have contracted Chlamydia, but hey its an easy fix just take this one little pill.”

Yet in these moments, I feel a deep sense of protection. Wanting to keep him from harm, when he has harmed me. Where I should feel pain and anger, I feel pity and sadness. I want to help him. Wondering who is this girl, is she deserving of his love?

I begin to wonder all of the things about her. Drawing ideas about their relationship, their life together. My stomach is completely in knots as I stumble for the phone, reaching out for a friend, someone to help me escape my own mind.

My thoughts flash back to our time together that day. Such short passionate moments, his body against mine, the old feelings fading into raw passion. Letting our feelings from the past draw the curtain over reality. But then, it’s someone else. No longer am I the one he moans for.

The Break-Up Date

She has only been on her own for two weeks now. She’s still waking up in the mornings and cherishing the few moments before she opens her eyes and realizes he isn’t next to her.

It’s been tolerable. They had been so unhappy. It seems as if they were both looking forward to their new futures, and the openness of new possibilities.

Once the initial shock of the relationship ending wore off, they agreed to meet for a break-up date. They hadn’t really processed it all, had just been fighting and name calling and placing blame. It was time to lay it all out on the table.

He asked if they could meet at a place they’d never been before. She was already uncomfortable about the meet, let alone trying somewhere new.

As she pulled into town, she found herself right behind his car. She followed him down Main St. and they both turned down the street to their secret parking lot. She cursed him as he pulled into the first empty spot, and then pulled into another spot a little ways down, her hands shaking. She stood there watching him as he got out of the car, he hadn’t noticed her yet.

She whistled at him, a whistle he’s heard a million times. He slid his hands in his pockets and tossed his hair to the side in that old familiar way she’d always loved. She noticed how long his hair had gotten in the short distance they’d been apart. He looked sad.  As he walked up he gave her a half hearted smile, and she threw her arms around him and squeezed him tight.

“Hey,” she said and then stopped as a sob caught in her throat.

“Don’t start crying already,” he said with a smile breaking across his face, but a little hint of panic in his eyes.

With that smile, all the nervousness escaped her. He was her best friend. He knows more about her than she even knows about herself. They were still so comfortable together, just everything was different now.

They slowly started walking toward the restaurant, making small talk along the way. She asked about the kids and the dogs, he asked about her new court-ordered VASAP class.

Once they got to the restaurant and ordered at the counter, the small talk petered off. As they stood waiting for their food, they just kind of looked at each other. How strange to be standing with the person who was her lover for three years, all that history, all that pain, all that happiness, summed up over a bowl of egg drop soup and crispy duck.

As they ate their food, sitting out by the street, seeing friends walking by, the words just started flowing. The emotions, the reasoning, the down and dirty of it all. She was shivering from the cold of the first day of fall, or maybe just from the shock of sitting next to her man, who was now just another man on her list of ex-boyfriends.

They excepted their fates with smiles on their faces and laughter in the air. As he walked her back to the car, she linked her arm in his and rested her head on his shoulder.

“I miss you,” she whispered.

“I miss you, too.”

“But we’re doing the right thing here,” she said as her tears started flowing again.

“Yes,” he whispered.

When they approached the car she leaned in and gave him a kiss and a long hug. He held her as she cried onto his shoulder.

“See ya around,” he said as she climbed into the car.

As she sat there crying, her mind clouded with memories, he slowly made his way back to his truck. What a difficult choice they had to make. To release their love, to let it change, so that they could find their own happiness apart.

She pulled away, and her hand hovered over her mouth. The kiss goodbye still lingering on her lips…

Sick with Sadness

It’s like, I feel sick with sadness. I’m going through the motions. I’m unpacking all my things and hanging out and just doing all of the things.

Drinking too much, trying to exercise every day, trying to stay busy. But it just doesn’t feel real. It feels weird.

But then I look back and see those moments where i knew it was over, where I knew this wasn’t right, where i knew we were both unhappy. There were so many signs.

I know you have. I know I have. I kept thinking I could fix it. But now I know it wasn’t supposed to be fixed. But that doesn’t make my loneliness go away. It doesn’t make me stop craving your kisses, make me stop thinking of you every hour of every day, make me stop bringing you into conversation.

Our lives were so intertwined, I can’t even look at the future without seeing the plans we had, now trying to adjust them to make them my own, but just seeing you.

This is one of the hardest things I’ve ever dealt with. I feel sick with sadness.

Day One


OK, fuck it. I keep saying, I want to write it all down, why the hell not start now.

Today’s been a great day. It’s been a little over a week since my relationship ended. Twelve days, in fact. Fuck, it’s been super hard ending a three-year relationship…

But right now I’m drinking wine in my new house down by the river and it’s really amazing. I can see this as day one.

Day One

Woke up around 10 a.m. Wondered if my dog had to pee, took her out and laid on my front porch, willing my dog to take a piss. Letting my body soak up the rays from the sun. Feeling it all. Waking up alone with only one of the four dogs I’ve been raising for half a year to two years. Facing a new life, learning to be me again. Letting go of everything comfortable and familiar to me in the last three years.

I was feeling a little rough after going out for my Mamma A’s bday the night before. Didn’t want to go out, was worried about my pup. But instead of chickening out I said, hey, I need these people. This is my new family. I am so lucky to be sharing my life with such a wonderful crew of coworkers, I have to go out and respect and honor them. It was such a rewarding experience! Man, I really loved connecting and socializing, and guess what? My dog was just fine.

Regardless of the fun I had last night, it was definitely a rough start today. I’m really fucking sad. This was the first night I’ve slept in my own bed since the split. So, I did sleep well, but I doubt he did. Which bothers me. How do you leave someone you love all alone, bed-less, and hurting? Even writing this down makes me want to pick up the phone and try to connect with him. But I cannot feel sorry for him right now. I can’t feel sorry for myself either. I just have to keep on keepin’ on.

Other than all of the feelings, this has been a great change for me. I’m happy, I’m excited, my dog is straight snoozin’, and my roommate is my new best friend.

I woke up around noon and didn’t know what to do with myself. The pup was restless and the river was calling my name. I put on my bikini and the cutest dress I could find. It’s just easier to look cute when everything else sucks. I twiddled around waiting for the roommate to surface and took the pup out for a few rounds of fetch. Once the new roomie emerged, cloudy from all the new changes I asked for a walk down to the river. I couldn’t wait a second longer.

The walk down was a little less than magical, but still pleasing. I let my roommate lead the way down the railroad tracks, while I blathered on and on about everything I could, just filling up the empty space. As we jumped from track to track, following the train tracks down to the swim spot, my stories kept going back to my new ex. And my relationships passed. But even with my motor mouth, my pup still held both of our attention. So happy in her new surroundings, she was bouncing across each track, she was running ahead and back to us, so excited to see the river right outside her back door. So excited to have her happy, smiling mommy leading her down to her favorite place.

After walking past the run-down homes of the down-by-the-river places, dodging the UPS truck, and giggling over the pup’s overwhelming excitement of going for a swim, we finally made it to the river. When we left, the sun was shining on a semi-cold, beginning of fall kind of mid-afternoon. When we arrived at the perfect swim spot, sun was something to be desired.

As I stuck my feet into the cold water, I kept trying to convince myself it was a good idea. No hot water at the house anyway, I would rather take a cold dip in the river than a cold shower any day. I was happy to have the roommate with me, showing me the way, being a soundboard to my constant stream of thoughts. And he brought the shampoo.

Once we returned home, it was coffee time. This was for him at least, because I drink tea. As he began to boil water in the Wok, I stopped him and offered him a pot. My ex’s and I pot we boiled water in every day. I should get a new pot, right? But it was also the boil pot I had grown up with in my family, so it came with me. Possessions get so complicated once you get into a relationship.

Anyway, my lovely roommate was making breakfast so offered me an egg.. One for the dog too? I asked hopefully. (I forgot to bring any dog food). After the mediocre breakfast, that I am still extremely thankful for, I now know I am the chef of the household. After dating a chef for three years and working in the service industry for the past seven years, I have many things to pass on to the next person. How much I have learned! I offered to make dinner, and got my things together to head into the big city.

Yoga has been a major release for me. I rode out to Blacksburg to get my yoga on. I had to also run a few errands (like getting dog food). You would be surprised how many trucks there are out there that are very similar to my ex’s. So instead of worring about the inevitable weird run-in, I tried to focus on myself. I went and practiced yoga, I loved my instructor today, yet my mind stayed unfocused.

As much as I am doing amazing, I am also doing crazy. I miss him crazy. I hate not knowing how his day is, what he’s feeling. Day 12 today, but on day two he was exploring other women, on day five he went on a date. I’ve been told, oh, well its different for guys. Is it really? I mean yeah the sex thing, that’s easy. I could give my body up online, or at a bar, and I wouldn’t go home empty handed. I have friends, men, out there that have known me for years and wouldn’t hesitate to jump in bed with me. But, I wouldn’t give it a second thought. It bothers me that after 1,095 days together (give or take) it was so easy for him to jump into bed with another. Or even if he didn’t, he was so quickly exploring the idea. I was still toying around with grandeur of break-up sex, good-bye kisses, because that’s how great my love was.

And, that part sucks.

But today is day one. I’ve put away my anger, my sadness. It still pops up in the weirdest ways. It’s still so fresh. It still hurts. But I have to move on. I have to live for myself now. I can’t obsess over what he’s doing and how he is feeling. This is time for me to shine.

Elephant Dreams

She always wanted to travel. As she read her magazines and watched movies, she always dreamed what it would be like to go toall of these different places.

While in college, she managed to convince her parents to send her on a few trips. She visited Italy with an art class. She traveled to New Zealand & Australia with another class. Each trip was exciting, yet she didn’t get to experience the life and culture of the places. She was shuttled from one museum to the next. Not getting to explore on her own, forced to do all the “touristy” things. She wanted more.

But then life happened. She got a dog. Dreams of travel left her as she snuggled her pooch every night. She wanted a partner, someone who could come with her, and support her in following her dreams. It was years of abusive, destructive relationships before she found the one.

When she first met him, she knew. Love at first sight does really exist, only if you can let yourself see and feel it. She let herself fall. She had finally found someone to travel with.

But then life happened. They got more dogs. He had two kids from a previous marriage. She couldn’t find a steady job. His business went bust. They were happy, but she still wanted more. She wants to travel. To spread her wings, but there is never enough money. Never enough time. But she still wants to travel.

Then she found the book. One that set her plans in motion. “Travels on my Elephant” by Mark Shand. Dude just picks up and moves to India and buys an elephant and travels across the country. How cool is that?, she thought.

She slowly formed an obsession with elephants. They are a powerful, feminine-dominated, intelligent species. She longs for the chance to be involved with them. Not just from afar, but up close and personal. As she does her research, she learns of all the different programs she can attend. Elephant sanctuaries completely run by volunteers.

But then life happened. How could she possibly afford two $1500 plane tickets, plus $900 a week to participate? She can barely afford to keep all her bills paid on time.

But a dream is a dream, and she’s decided to ask for help.